Whether you’re a new cyclist, weekday commuter, sportive rider, racer or professional athlete, a bike fit can improve comfort, increase efficiency and speed, and resolve or prevent injury.


What we offer

A complete bike fit up to four hours for those regularly riding over 1.5 hours at a time, whether for recreation or competition. Uniquely tailored to your riding style and suitable for all cycling disciplines.

Starting with an in-depth bike fit and consultation, we’ll help you identify a range of options for your new bike that have the correct geometry for your position and riding style. We’ll then build it with the right components and set it to fit, so you can ride away on day one with the perfect setup.

A two hour bike fit for beginner, commuter or leisure cyclists who ride less than 1.5 hours at a time. A Starter Fit ensures comfort and injury prevention and is uniquely tailored to your riding style.

Coming back to cycling, setting up a new bike or needing a tweak to your setup? A one hour Follow Up Fit can take care of that. Note: this bike fit is for those who have previously had a Comprehensive Fit with Soigneur.


Why choose us

Performance road racer climbing a hill

Improve performance

close-up of a new high end road bike

Before-you-buy new bike consultation

adjusting hand position

Resolve or prevent injury

bike fit assessment in the london studio

Set up a new bike

close up of hands on drop handlebars

Increase comfort

top end crankset and waxed chain

Advice on component upgrades


Trusted by world-class athletes

Elite athletes of the highest calibre have chosen us for their bike fit. We take pride and great care in delivering the same high quality service to all our customers.


Inclusive and tailored to you

We work with all types of cyclists, including para-cyclists, older riders, riders who are pregnant or post-partum, and riders with complex injuries.


Over 5000 bike fits

And counting! With 15+ years experience in the bike industry, sport science expertise and an obsession for detail, you’re in safe hands.


Bespoke bike fit methodology

Tim is a renowned biomechanics expert and has developed the Soigneur bike fit method through years of experience, industry knowledge and the latest scientific research.

Free 3 month Follow Up and Component Guarantee

If you’re not entirely satisfied after your fit we’ll welcome you back for a Follow Up Fit free of charge, within three months of the original bike fit. We also offer a three month return or exchange of fit-specific components (terms apply).


What our clients say

I’d always wondered about getting a proper fit and now wish I’d done this years ago
— Bhavesh, May 2024
Tim’s extremely knowledgeable and passionate about what he does and that comes through in his approach to getting the right fit. I’d bought a new bike and not had a fit for years, after one session he’d sorted out a number of niggles I’d had with my existing position
— Graham, February 2024